Moderators: Prof. Peng SHI
Date: 30 April 2021
14:30 to 14:40
Prof. Peng SHI
14:40 to 15:00
3D photoacoustic tomography assisted electromagnetic system for the precise delivery of microrobots in vivo
Chongyun WANG
15:00 to 15:20
Magneto-steered microrobotics system for treatment of cardiovascular disease
Junyang LI
15:20 to 15:40
Image-guided continuum robotic system for CVD intervention
Hangjie MO
15:40 to 16:00
Intracellular Biopsy of microRNAs for Dissecting the Temporal Dynamics of Cellular Heterogeneity
Zixun WANG
16:00 to 16:30
Discussion and comments