Product Information
Traditional BP Monitoring
Existing cuffless BP monitoring technologies commonly rely on single-site measurements with unimodal sensor configurations, thereby constraining the precision and visualization of the two-dimensional data.
TAG Imaging
Multispectral Tonoarteriography introduces unobtrusive monitoring and 2D visualization of local arterial BP and Central BP Estimation.
Technology System
1. Measure:
Multispectral Tonoarteriography introduces unobtrusive monitoring and 2D visualization of local arterial BP and Central BP Estimation.
2. Signal Collection:
Through ADC (analog digital converter) and MCU (micro-controller/ micro-computer), the system can collect the signal from the optical sensor for processing and computation.
3. Custom AI processing:
The team have developed their algorithm for process collected signal (AI-assisted processing method , Image reconstruction algorithm) to generate accurate results in terms of numbers and images
4. Visualise:
The generated results can be displayed on the screen/ UI, to visualize the local blood pressure and estimate the central blood pressure, and the reconstructed images can reflect the functions/ abnormalities of the surrounding micro-circulation covered by the optical sensors
Technical Advantages
Higher accuracy
Unobtrusive monitoring
Better information due to two-dimensional visualization of local arterial blood pressure.
Enhanced central BP estimation performance by addressing the challenges in device placement.
A new tool for studying local arterial stiffness and assessing micro-circulation
Product Ecosystem - Home
2. M-Sensing Cloud Server:
Patient data is stored in the cloud.
1. Patient Monitoring:
The patient uses a monitoring device at home and connects this to an application. Here the patient can check stats and send data to the cloud.
3. E-Medicine:
A doctor or practitioner can access the patient data from the cloud and analyse it.
4. Feedback:
Using the platform the doctor can send feedback to the patient in regards to their health.
Product Ecosystem - Hospital
2. M-Sensing Cloud Server:
Patient data is stored in the cloud.
1. Patient Monitoring:
The patient is monitored using for example the mSensing patch. The patch connects to the mSensing cloud.
3. Analyse:
A doctor or practitioner can access the patient data from the cloud and analyse it.
Product Ecosystem - Infants
2. M-Sensing Cloud Server:
Patient data is stored in the cloud.
1. Infant Monitoring:
The infant are monitored using for example the mSensing patch. The patch connects to the mSensing cloud.
3. Feedback:
The doctor can give feedback to the parents or medical staff based on the data
Project Milestone
Company Established in Hong Kong
Search for clinical partners to conduct data collection with a target of 150 participants
Train and optimize the first-generation prototype and machine learning models
Apply for funding support from HKSTP Incubation
Apply for funding support from HKTech 300 Angle
Seek manufacturing partners to develop prototypes
Align with the development of technology for the new generation of innovation.
Integrate or transfer for market promotion and mass production.
Developed the first-generation multi-channel TAG imaging laboratory prototype.
Successfully completed technical feasibility validation with 22 participants.
Secured funding support from HKSTP Ideation.
Received seed funding from HKTech 300.
Deploy 5 prototypes of the multi-channel TAG imaging experiment.
Expand the pool of subjects for continued model optimization with a target of 300 participants.
Formally apply for NMPA and FDA standards and submit the necessary documentation.
Seek collaboration partners in the industry to advance industrialization and secure additional funding support.