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Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring Device

A new era in blood pressure measurement

Product Information

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Traditional BP Monitoring

Existing cuffless BP monitoring technologies commonly rely on single-site measurements with unimodal sensor configurations, thereby constraining the precision and visualization of the two-dimensional data.

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TAG Imaging

Multispectral Tonoarteriography introduces unobtrusive monitoring and 2D visualization of local arterial BP and Central BP Estimation.

Technology System

1. Measure:
Multispectral Tonoarteriography introduces unobtrusive monitoring and 2D visualization of local arterial BP and Central BP Estimation.

2. Signal Collection:

Through ADC (analog digital converter) and MCU (micro-controller/ micro-computer), the system can collect the signal from the optical sensor for processing and computation.

3. Custom AI processing:

The team have developed their algorithm for process collected signal (AI-assisted processing method , Image reconstruction algorithm) to generate accurate results in terms of numbers and images

4. Visualise:

The generated results can be displayed on the screen/ UI, to visualize the local blood pressure and estimate the central blood pressure, and the reconstructed images can reflect the functions/ abnormalities of the surrounding micro-circulation covered by the optical sensors

Technical Advantages

  • Higher accuracy

  • Unobtrusive monitoring

  • Better information due to two-dimensional visualization of local arterial blood pressure.

  • Enhanced central BP estimation performance by addressing the challenges in device placement.

  • A new tool for studying local arterial stiffness and assessing micro-circulation


Product Ecosystem - Home

2. M-Sensing Cloud Server:
Patient data is stored in the cloud.

1. Patient Monitoring:
The patient uses a monitoring device at home and connects this to an application. Here the patient can check stats and send data to the cloud.

3. E-Medicine:
A doctor or practitioner can access the patient data from the cloud and analyse it.

4. Feedback:

 Using the platform the doctor can send feedback to the patient in regards to their health.

Product Ecosystem - Hospital

2. M-Sensing Cloud Server:
Patient data is stored in the cloud.


1. Patient Monitoring:
The patient is monitored using for example the mSensing patch. The patch connects to the mSensing cloud.

3. Analyse:

 A doctor or practitioner can access the patient data from the cloud and analyse it.

Product Ecosystem - Infants

2. M-Sensing Cloud Server:
Patient data is stored in the cloud.


1. Infant Monitoring:

 The infant are monitored using for example the mSensing patch. The patch connects to the mSensing cloud.

3. Feedback:

 The doctor can give feedback to the parents or medical staff based on the data


Project Milestone


Company Established in Hong Kong

  • Search for clinical partners to conduct data collection with a target of 150 participants

  • Train and optimize the first-generation prototype and machine learning models

  • Apply for funding support from HKSTP Incubation

  • Apply for funding support from HKTech 300 Angle

  • Seek manufacturing partners  to develop prototypes

  • Align with the development of technology for the new generation of innovation.

  • Integrate or transfer for market promotion and mass production.

  • Developed the first-generation multi-channel TAG imaging laboratory prototype.

  • Successfully completed technical feasibility validation with 22 participants.

  • Secured funding support from HKSTP Ideation.

  • Received seed funding from HKTech 300.

  • Deploy 5 prototypes of the multi-channel TAG imaging experiment.

  • Expand the pool of subjects for continued model optimization with a target of 300 participants.

  • Formally apply for NMPA and FDA standards and submit the necessary documentation.

  • Seek collaboration partners in the industry to advance industrialization and secure additional funding support.

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